Doss Aviation Initial Flight Screening (IFS) is located in Pueblo, CO and is the first step towards becoming a pilot as far as training is concerned. This month long course teaches students the absolute basics of flying in a single prop DA-20. After approximately ten rides, the students are sent solo to gain confidence and expience then given a checkride at the end of the course to ensure they will be able to handle the rigors of pilot training. Although this is just a month long course, it is one of the areas of pilot training where the most amount of students fail out. The program is designed to "screen" those individuals who do not have the fortitude or hand-eye coordination necessary to be a pilot. It is here at DOSS that one must learn to have a good, receptive attitude and learn to chairfly in order to be prepared. To give you an idea of some of the things a student must learn I have attached an ops limit sheet below used for the DA-20. This information is not current and should NOT be used to study. It is merely here to demonstrate how much raw information a pilot at even this level must know in order to conduct themselves well through training. After passing your checkride, it is back to your UPT (undergraduate pilot training) base for the real-deal and Phase I.